Tsurupika Hagemaru-kun, TV Anime Series: Wiki

Tsurupika Hagemaru-kun (Little Baldy Hagemaru) is a Japanese science fiction light novel series written by Shinbo Nomura. This series is produced by CoroCoro Comic and is available in Hindi English and Japanese



  • Type- TV
  • Genres- Action, Drama, Adventure
  • Aired- to Oct 6, 1989
  • Rating- PG – Children
  • Episodes- 59
  • Duration- 24 min. per ep.


Hagemaru Hageda is a young kid, studying in fourth standard living with his parents in Japan. The only child of his parents, he and his parents are a big misers. They do anything to save money; this is the show’s basic plot. Hagemaru also has a pet dog named Pesu, who often comments about Hagemaru’s family being too miser and not giving him anything to eat.


He is the best friend of his classmate Masaru Kondo and he has a crush on Midori, a girl from his class. In most of the episodes, Hagemaru goes to school and the story revolves around his teacher (his ‘miss’) and his friends. At the end of each episode, the top ten snippets are shown.


Hagemaru Hageda is a young kid, studying in fourth standard living with his parents in Japan. The only child of his parents, he and his parents are big misers. They do anything to save money; this is the show’s basic plot. Hagemaru also has a pet dog named Pesu, who often comments about Hagemaru’s family being to miser and not giving him anything to eat. He is best friend of his classmate Masaru Kondo and he has a crush on Midori, a girl from his class. In most of the episodes, Hagemaru goes to school and the story revolves around his teacher (his ‘miss’) and his friends. At the end of the each episode, the top ten snippets are shown.

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Download and Watch

Download and Watch Tsurupika Hagemaru-kun, an Anime Series on Netflix, Cartoon Network, and Crunchyroll. Anime series are available in the original Japanese language, English and Hindi dubbed.






It’s such a simple premise, yet the ingenuity and creativity shown in each episode make it refreshing. If you are looking for a chill easy-to-watch anime then your search is over. An anime doesn’t need to have a great story, stunning art, and music from famous bands. Enjoyment knows no such thing. Sometimes it is just the way characters interact in a particular scenario or just the sheer ridiculous answers the Hagemaru gives to questions that will make you laugh, but …

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