The Dangers in My Heart is an anime series that revolves around a boy who is oblivious to love. Featuring a renowned director, Hiroaki Akagi, this series is bound to be a must-see!
Hiroaki Akagi will be directing
If you’re a fan of anime, then chances are you’ve heard of Hiroaki Akagi. The Japanese director has directed a number of notable anime titles, including Teasing Master Takagi-san and Combatants Will Be Dispatched! He also has a knack for producing quality visuals.
The Dangers in My Heart is an anime based on the manga of the same name by Norio Sakurai. It was first published in the Weekly Shonen Champion in March 2018. The novel series was then moved to the Champion Cross and later on to the manga anthology Manga Cross. The last volume was published in August of 2022. It has been licensed for North American distribution in December of 2020.
The upcoming The Dangers in My Heart anime will be directed by Hiroaki Akagi, who has already directed Teasing Master Takagi-san and its sequel, Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic. The upcoming series will be animated by Shin-Ei Animation and streamed on Sentai Filmworks. Its main characters include Kyotaro Ichikawa and Anna Yamada. The cast also includes Shun Horie and Mikasa Koike. The first two episodes are scheduled to be broadcast in Japan in April of 2023. The production has been licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment and Tong Li Publishing of Taiwan. The anime is slated to have its fair share of teasers in the coming months.
Oblivious to Love
The Dangers in My Heart is a manga series written by Norio Sakurai. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shonen Champion in March 2018. The anime adaptation of the series will be aired by Shin-Ei Animation in April 2023. It is based on the novel of the same name by Kaze Hayasaka. The series is licensed for English publication by Seven Seas Entertainment and Tong Li Publishing.
The story revolves around high school students Sawako Kuronuma and Shouta Kazehaya. Both are in their second year of high school. Their class is visiting the Ryukyu Islands. They visit the Churaumi Aquarium.
When the tour concludes, Chizuru, Kento and Ayane invite Sawako to a shrine. When Sawako reveals her romantic feelings for Shouta, Chizuru reassures her that she is not alone in her feelings.
Shouta and Sawako begin to talk to each other. Their relationship progresses to dating. However, it becomes more difficult for Sawako to give her heart to Shouta. She finds herself wondering how she can make up for her rejection.
Shouta begins to see signs of romantic love. He wonders if Sawako is rejecting him. Eventually, she confesses her feelings to him.
While their relationship continues, Sawako learns to deal with her feelings of rejection. She is unable to support Ume, but she still feels that Shouta is the right choice for her.
Release date
Dangers in My Heart is a slice of life manga by author and illustrator Norio Sakurai. The series is a high school comedy with a splash of romance. The story is about a loner named Kyotaro Ichikawa, who spends most of his free time reading bloody horror stories.
The manga was first serialized in Weekly Shonen Champion magazine in 2018. The manga has been licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment and Tong Li Publishing for English-language publication. The show has been officially announced for a North American release in December of 2020. Anime fans can expect a new key visual, new characters, and staff. The show has also been nominated for the 2020 Manga Taisho Award.
As for the animation, the show will be directed by Hiroaki Akagi. The series will be produced by Shin-Ei Animation. The studio will also produce a television series based on the story. This will be broadcast on TV Asahi’s NUMAnimation channel in April of 2023.
While there is not much to be said for the plot, The Dangers in My Heart does have a decent cast and crew. Hina Yomiya and Shun Horie are the voice actors, and Shun Horie has lent his voice to a number of notable characters including George Glooman in the Spy x Family Part 2 anime.